Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Czars -#9 - Rosa Brooks

Rosa Brooks - Dept. of Defense Czar

1. A review of Ms. Brooks' published work reveals her hard-left, rabidly ideological positions on defense matters. She regularly referred to Mr. Bush as a war criminal, and argues that Bush-era policies on terrorism - which prevented any major attacks on U.S. soil since Sept. 11, 2001 - made America less secure. Referring to Mr. Bush and former Vice President Richard Cheney, she wrote, "They should be treated like psychotics who need treatment." She has called al Qaeda "little more than an obscure group of extremist thugs" and wrongly predicted that the surge in Iraq was "a feckless plan" that would prove "too little, too late." Putting her in the policy shop "is like Lyndon Johnson making Jane Fonda a senior adviser on Vietnam," the former Pentagon adviser says. She frequently criticizes what she sees as a pro-Israel bias in U.S. policy.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Rosa Brooks is Obama’s latest enemy appointment — as adviser to Defense Undersecretary for Policy Michele Flournoy. This choice rips the mask off the traitor in the Oval office. Brooks is a rabid leftist journalist who, up until this appointment, wrote for the corrupt LA Times.
Brooks is a Soros cohort: she has been Special Counsel to the President at Soros’s Open Society Institute.
And Brooks worked for Honjou Koh, the pro Sharia lawyer and transnationalist now at the State Department.
She called Cheney and Bush psychos to be dealt with like psychos, referring to their “crimes”.
She is the most radical person to join the Obama revolutionary counsel so far.
This is like bringing Medea Benjamin into the Pentagon, or Michael Moore. (hat tip Amaros)



The Czars - #10 - Carol Browner

Carol Browner – Socialist, “Global Warming” Czar

1. (Tuesday, February 24, 2009)
Obama's Climate Czar Will Rule Like a Despot
Czar is perhaps the perfect title for Carol Browner, the person President Obama chose to rule over his climate policy. The woman will run her kingdom like an autocrat, she will take no prisoners and she will hide all the "bodies" For Example:

Until early January Carol M. Browner, President-elect Barack Obama's pick as global warming czar, was listed as one of 14 leaders of a socialist group's Commission for a 2. Sustainable World Society, which calls for "global governance" and says rich countries must shrink their economies to address climate change. Then Mrs. Browner's name and biography had been removed from Socialist International's Web page, though a photo of her speaking June 30 to the group's congress in Greece was still available. The group's Commission for a Sustainable World Society, the organization's action arm on climate change, says the developed world must reduce consumption and commit to binding and punitive limits on greenhouse gas emissions.


2. Sustainable Development calls for changing the very infrastructure of the nation, away from private ownership and control of property to nothing short of central planning of the entire economy – often referred to as top-down control. Truly, Sustainable Development is designed to change our way of life. In short, it’s all about wealth redistribution. Your wealth into a green rat hole.
According to Sustainablist doctrine, It is a social injustice for some to have prosperity if others do not. It is a social injustice to keep our borders closed. It is a social injustice for some to be bosses and others to be merely workers.
Social justice is a major premise of Sustainable Development. Another word for social justice, by the way, is Socialism. Karl Marx was the first to coin the phrase “social justice.”

In other words Sustainable Development is the destruction of America by taking away wealth, freedom and innovation.

Saturday, August 8, 2009



Look at what is in the Bill!:

Pg 22 of the HC Bill MANDATES the Govt will audit books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self insure!!
Pg 30 Sec 123 of HC bill - THERE WILL BE A GOVT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benefits you get
Pg 29 lines 4-16 in the HC bill - YOUR HEALTHCARE IS RATIONED!!!
Pg 42 of HC Bill - The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your HC Benefits for you. You have no choice!
PG 50 Section 152 in HC bill - HC will be provided to ALL non US citizens, illegal or otherwise
Pg 58HC Bill - Govt will have real-time access 2 individs finances & a National ID Healthcard will be issued!
Pg 59 HC Bill lines 21-24 Govt will have direct access to you banks accountsts for electronic funds transfer
PG 65 Sec 164 is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in unions & community orgs (ACORN).
Pg 72 Lines 8-14 Govt is creating an HC Exchange to bring private HC plans under Govt control.
PG 84 Sec 203 HC bill - Govt mandates ALL benefit packages for private health care plans in the Exchange
PG 85 Line 7 HC Bill - Specs for of Benefit Levels for Plans = The Govt will ration your Healthcare!
PG 91 Lines 4-7 HC Bill - Govt mandates linguistic appropropriate services. Example - Translationfor illegal aliens
Pg 95 HC Bill Lines 8-18 The Govt will use groups i.e., ACORN & Americorps to sign up individuals for Govt HC plan
PG 85 Line 7 HC Bill - Specs of Benefit Levels for Plans. #AARP members - your Health care WILL be rationed
PG 102 Lines 12-18 HC Bill - Medicaid Eligible Individuals will be automatically enrolled in Medicaid. No choice
pg 124 lines 24-25 HC No company can sue GOVT on price fixing. No "judicial review" against Govt Monopoly
pg 127 Lines 1-16 HC Bill - Doctors/ #AMA - The Govt will tell YOU what you can make.
Pg 145 Line 15-17 An Employer MUST automatiocally enroll employees into pubic option plan. NO CHOICE
Pg 126 Lines 22-25 Employers MUST pay for health care for part time employees AND their families.
Pg 149 Lines 16-24 ANY Employer with payroll of 400k & above who does not provide public option. pays 8% tax on all payroll
pg 150 Lines 9-13 Business payroll between 251k & 400k who doesn't provide public option pays 2-6% tax on all payroll
Pg 167 Lines 18-23 ANY individual who doesn't have acceptable health care according to Govt will be taxed 2.5% of income
Pg 170 Lines 1-3 HC Bill Any NON-RESIDENT Alien is exempt from individual taxes. (Americans will pay for their health care)
Pg 195 HC Bill -officers & employees of health care Administration (GOVT) will have access to ALL Americans financial/personal records
PG 203 Line 14-15 HC - "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax" Yes, it says that
Pg 239 Line 14-24 HC Bill Govt will reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors, low income, poor affected
Pg 241 Line 6-8 HC Bill - Doctors, doesn't matter what specialty you have, you'll all be paid the same
PG 253 Line 10-18 Govt sets value of Dr's time, professional judgment, etc. Literally value of humans.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Obama's birth debate: It's about loyalty

By James Lewis

The birth debate about Obama is real enough, but it is legally complicated, as analyzed by legal beagle Andrew McCarthy at National Review. No judge is going to question the Constitutional qualifications of an elected president. I'm sorry, but that's the practical reality. The judge is going to follow stare decisis -- the sheer weight of commitments that cannot be reversed without creating chaos. Once the political system of the United States, the voters, the media, and the politicians themselves are all committed to the proposition that Obama is president, trying to reverse it would mean riots in every city in the nation. At some point even debatable claims become irreversible. That is why Al Franken is now the US Senator from Minnesota, even if his election was corrupt and wrong. It's water under the bridge. Leave it to history.

And yet the Obama "birther" debate is important. What's important about it is the feeling a growing number of Americans have in their bones that Obama is foreign -- to our traditions, loyalties and shared understandings about the nature of America. In a way the legal debate matters less than that bone-deep sense that Obama is fundamentally "Other than American."
We all recognized George W as a prototypical American -- even if you didn't agree with him or even like him. There he was cutting dry brush around his modest West Texas ranch house, to keep down the fire danger, while the fat and foolish White House punditry stayed huddled back in the air conditioning. Or flying onto the aircraft carrier in a jet trainer after Saddam was overthrown. Or heading straight to walk Ground Zero with the cops and fire fighters right after 9/11. Bush looked at home with those cops, because he was. He likes those guys, and they like him. They are made of the same stuff. Obama isn't.

Obama is a socialist, which means that his deepest commitment is not to our nation but to the Internationalist Ruling Class. That is why the Left always has to argue that Americans' love of country will kill off the rest of the world -- by global warming, by overpopulation, any excuse will do. The fact that it's all lies proves the point: The Left must lie in order to convince millions of Americans that their normal feelings of patriotism are evil.

These facts are so obvious that they are not even worth arguing about. Obama's first international speech -- characteristically before getting elected -- started with the phrase "Citizens of the World!" Anybody on the Left has to think, "Workers of the World, Unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!" That was the intended message to the left, of course -- that's how David Axelrod thinks, that's how Obama's mentors have always thought -- going back to his way-left mother and his Kenyan socialist father. The interracial affair between the Kansas anthropologist 20-year-old and the Kenyan socialist was itself a revolutionary act, the way these people think. It was a positive good to bear an interracial child, even if the kid was going to be abandoned by his father and mother. From that point onward the Old Left handled the whole chain of custody. Obama was passed along by leftie sponsors, one after the other. Frank Marshall Davis was the Communist Party guy in Hawaii, and wrote for the Hawaiian Communist Party rag. You can trace it link after link, following the Alinskyite chain all the way to the far left wing of the Chicago Machine, then 20 years of being preached at by Rev. Jeremiah Wright (whose brand of Christianity is only Marxism under a transparent layer of lies).
That's our Obama, and that's what he proudly proclaimed: Not Oh Say Can You See/ By the Dawn's Early Light, but Dreams from My (Kenyan Socialist) Father.

This is not a secret. Obama is foreign to America in a way that has little to do with his birth certificate. He could be American-born and still think in this very anti-American way. A lot of people are. But whatever he is legally, there is not a shred of doubt that he is steeped in an Anti-American way of thinking.

This is what I suspect the birther movement is about. Yes, the legalities are suspect. No, it will never make any practical difference. But most important, the birthers are aware of a deep intuition about Barry Soetoro Barack Hussein Obama: That he is profoundly out of tune with the meaning of America since the Founding. He is out of harmony with this country and this culture, like the dissonant scream of a power-saw biting into steel or concrete. He just grates on the American sensibility.

Obama is a Ruling Class Aristocrat -- by intuition, beliefs, and personal egomania. He was born to rule. It's partly that he has always gone to all the elite schools, from Hawaii to Harvard, just like Michelle. But he was put into those schools by the efforts of the left, which is a Socialist Ruling Class movement. The left in its own vision is always Ruling Class To Be that is being kept unjustly from taking over the world. That's why they hate real democracy, why they sneer at Coke and fries, and why capitalism is so bad: Because it constant caters to "vulgar" tastes.
(The fact that the left always claims to help the lowest of the low is just a political tactic. By digging up the most resentful victims -- by race, class or gender -- you bring out the most explosive revolutionary dynamite; it's the people who are the most envious and resentful, who want nothing more than to flip the world upside-down and watch destruction rain down. That's why the Left constantly appeals to the "idealism" of teenagers, the natural rebels. They all want to rock the world. And if it's not teens, it's illegal immigrants, sexual deviants, the homeless, drug addicts, criminals, the racially oppressed, those who hate themselves, the prostitutes, and the mentally ill. Karl Marx called them the Lumpen-Proletariat, the Eternal Underclass who want to smash whatever is. As the Nazi slogan said it, "Alles Muss Anders Sein" -- "Everything Must Be Different."

The left is about the overthrow of whatever is, whether good or bad. The Eternal Underclass is the cannon fodder of any revolution. They are the lowlifes who can be trusted to burn down the Reichstag, to smash the stores of the Jews -- or in Indonesia, of the Chinese -- and to hang the rich from the nearest lamp post. When blue collar workers started to make money the Left didn't rejoice in their new well-being and happiness. Rather, the left just looked for another Underclass: Those who felt oppressed by race, gender, sexual habits, whatever. For the left, any Underclass only exists to be manipulated by the Natural Ruling Class, the Aristocratic Vanguard, the Obamas of this world. That's the only political strategy of the left. That is why they constantly lie and still believe in their own moral superiority.)

So is Obama American-born? I don't know. I bet he never comes up with that vault copy birth certificate for us to examine. But it's never going to matter a hill of beans, because no judge wants to be accused of overthrowing a sitting President of the United States.
But is Obama in tune with the soul of this country as Americans have understood it since 1776?
I think we all know the answer to that.

That is what our political battles will be about, for years and years to come. Don't expect it to be solved soon. It's been going on for a century. It didn't end with American victory in the Cold War. It is most of all a battle for minds and hearts, not for territory -- although territory matters. Conservatives helped win the Cold War, but did not win the battle for the schools and universities. That is why Barry Soetoro Barack Hussein Obama is now President.
Gear yourself up, and don't stop fighting the battle for hearts and minds. It's all-important.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Time to De-Centralize American Power: Repeal the 16th & 17th Amendments

Amendment 16

Income taxes
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

February 3, 1913.


Amendment 17

Senatorial elections
The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislature.
When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of such State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, That the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.
This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the election or term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution.

April 8, 1913.


JB Williams
Time to De-Centralize American Power
July 7, 2009

Drastic situations demand drastic measures. Democratic Socialists running Washington DC have the American people on their heels as they launch a continuous barrage of attacks on all fundamental American principles, values and rights. Their strategy of attacking on every front all at once makes it impossible for the average American to keep up, much less defend against the daily attacks on an issue by issue basis.

Democratic Socialists are working at a fever pace to dismantle the United States of America before the people can mount a viable defense, and they are taking no prisoners. They are well organized and well funded and American patriots will not stop them one bill at a time.

In the year of our 233rd birthday, the United States of America has officially reached the moment in history when the centralized power vested in 546 career politicians no longer serves the best interests of more than 300 million legal American citizens.

The federal government no longer exists at the pleasure of the states and their people, but rather as a dysfunctional global dictatorship, an oligarchy of 546 career political thugs ruling with an iron fist over 300 million dissenting subjects.

Whether discussing the House, the Senate, the Oval Office or the Supreme Court, the story is the same. Combined, they make up 546 national leaders who fit in to one of two equally unacceptable categories. Either leftists who don’t care at all about the people or their Constitution, or spineless faux conservatives who don’t care enough to stop the leftists.

The Founding Fathers knew that this day would come and they prepared accordingly.

“...whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, [life, liberty and the individual freedom to define and pursue happiness] it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government” – Declaration of Independence

546 politicians are ignoring the fact that the American people and the states do not exist or serve at the pleasure of the Fed.

Unlike any other nation on earth, our unalienable rights are not arbitrarily distributed or redistributed by some centralized cast of elitist Ivy League lawyers interested only in feathering their own nests at the expense of the people. Our rights are endowed by our Creator and they are unalienable by men, including all false messiahs.

In America, every man is free to govern his own life. Only God is trusted with dominion over the affairs of others. The Founders never entrusted freedom to 546 self-absorbed career panderers. They entrusted freedom to the people and as a result, the power as well.

But over 232 years, specifically the last 100 years or so, the people have neglected their duty to keep a tight reign on politicians driven only by greed and an unquenchable lust for power. As a result, Americans are waking up in a country they barely recognize today and they don’t like what they see.

Destructive of These Ends
“Destructive of these ends” is a gross understatement today!

As Americans awaken from their deep slumber, they find that the federal government has become so destructive of these ends that life has been replaced with a right to kill -- individual liberty replaced by a false promise of some greater communal good, -- and happiness is defined by 546 career politicians rather than 300 million citizens.

Americans have not only lost their unalienable right to life, liberty and happiness, they don’t even have a right to a constitutional president anymore and not one member of the House, Senate or Supreme Court gives a damn.

Ideally, the time to have saved our free-market economy would have been before 546 politicians bankrupted it. The time to have saved the private banking and auto industries would have been before the Fed bankrupted them and confiscated control. The time to have defended freedom would have been before we traded it in for a false promise of free-stuff. The time to worry about constitutional qualifications for president was before Obama became an unconstitutional president. And at this late date, the time to protect our Second Amendment rights is before they register and confiscate our guns.

The time for serious action has arrived.

The People Must Alter or Abolish
Too much is too far gone now. It took politicians seventy years to put the most prosperous nation on earth a trillion dollars in debt. It took our nations least productive citizens less than four months to increase that to more the ten trillion in debt. At that rate, six months is more than we can afford of this illegitimate regime.

Before we have no choice but to abolish it all and start over again from a state of complete anarchy, the people must take the necessary steps to alter that which has gone wrong and right this ship before 546 career criminals finish sinking it and we don’t have a moment to waste...

The People Are the Answer
Washington DC must be stripped of the power it uses to abuse the states and the people. The federal government was contracted to function at the pleasure and benefit of the people and their states. They have breached that contract and broken that trust. They now expect the people and the states to exist and function at the pleasure and benefit of the Fed.

Don’t waste another phone call or email on one of the 546 elitists in DC - all of whom are part of the problem. The people are the ONLY solution and they don’t need the approval of career political criminals to retake control of their country.

They only need their silver bullet and the will to use it!

Over 60% of the federal budget is now nothing more than unconstitutional waste. It will end the minute the people take back control of the money used to fund it.

The 16th Amendment is the silver bullet, but do we have the will to use it?

The Single Shot Solution
Complex problems require a simple solution! Complex solutions are never successfully implemented. The clock usually runs out before you can get everyone on the same page.

I refer to the single shot solution as the Donald Trump solution. Trump is a well known successful American business man. His true claim to fame is the fact that he has perfected the art of selective bankruptcy.

Non-productive entities are saddled with unwanted debt and liability, while productive assets are shifted to “keeper” entities worth saving. Then the debt and liability loaded entity is bankrupted, leaving Trump’s personal wealth intact. It’s brilliant! Our Fed is doing it with Chrysler and GM as we speak.

The same plan must be implemented to save our country. In order to save our union, we will have to dump some liabilities and some non-producing assets.

It’s now clear even to many Obama supporters, that the leftist Fed is going to bankrupt every American unless the people bankrupt the Fed first. The tide is shifting... As of this morning, only 33% of Americans polled still “strongly approve” of Obama’s leftist leap. 35%, a small majority now “strongly disapprove.” (see trends)

The people have no choice but to bankrupt the Fed before the Fed finishes bankrupting every American with a laundry list of unfunded leftist spending bills.

De-Centralize the Power
97% of the federal budget is funded by unconstitutional income taxes made possible by the 16th Amendment of 1913. Repealing the 16th Amendment means instantly removing 97% of federal funding and eliminating the Feds means of directly confiscating personal earnings and assets to fund their Marxist agenda.

Prior to the passage of the 16th in 1913, the Fed operated at the pleasure of the states. The states collected and donated funds to the Fed for initiatives approved and assigned by the states. After passage of the 16th, the Fed no longer needed to serve the states or the people in order to receive funding. With or without the people’s approval, the Fed was free to confiscate whatever it wanted from the states and the people.

That hasn’t worked out in the best interest of the people or the states.

To reverse it all, we simply reverse the 16th which made it all possible. Without 97% of its funding and no means to confiscate any more private wealth, the Fed is instantly out of business.

The Power is Returned to the States and the People
Less than 10 states are in so much fiscal trouble that they cannot survive without federal funding. All of them are bastions of leftist leadership, rotten with leftist policies that have bankrupted their local and state governments, leaving them dependents of the Fed, or more accurately, the other 40 states.

The other 40 states will be far better off without heavy handed federal intrusions. Saving the 40 states is as easy as letting the Fed and the other 10 states that have already bankrupted themselves with leftist policies. Belly up! It’s the Trump Solution.

As the Constitution will be reinstated by this move, the states will once again hold the power and the Fed will once again be forced to operate at the pleasure and benefit of the individual states. They have no money, no power, to do otherwise.

The REAL Power of the People
The real power of the people is not in their vote or even the money they send politicians at election time. It’s in their ability to use their local state legislators to force the Fed back into compliance with the contract between the states and the central power in Washington DC, the Constitution. Read Obama Re-Unites the States!

The Founders opposed unbridled centralized power, and now modern Americans can see why with their own eyes. So, it’s time to de-centralize American power. To remove all power from the runaway federal ape and place it back into the hands of the people at the state level.

He who controls the money controls the power. The Fed’s ability to tyrannize the people and the states is only possible under the 16th Amendment, which gives the Fed the power to confiscate private wealth at will. Without that amendment, without unfettered access to the earnings of others, the Fed is powerless and the people are back in charge.

Do We the People have the Will?
Sooner or later, the people will muster the backbone to do what our nation’s Founders would have already done. The open question is - must every American be bankrupted by the Fed before they will get in the mood to let the Fed belly up?

The people have known for some time that defunding the Fed would force the Fed into constitutional compliance, or put them out business. But fearful of their government and its IRS, they dare not defund it directly and risk tax debtor’s prison. It’s no secret that the IRS has more statutory tyrannical power than the FBI, CIA, ATF and DOD combined. That’s because without robbing the people of their money, none of it can exist.

But working behind their state legislators, who have also grown sick and tired of the federal abuses of power, there are no such risks for the people.

Read What Difference Can One TRUE Patriot Make?

The People Must Work through State Legislatures
The people only have to move their state legislatures into action. They don’t have to deal directly with the runaway Fed at all. Just cut them off like a child addicted to self-destructive behavior. Stop enabling... If the people move their state legislators to action, the states will take care of the Fed.

More than 40 states are already working on reclaiming state sovereignty and rights. The next logical step is to cut off Fed power at the state lines. The most complete and immediate means of cutting off Fed power is cutting off their funding by repealing the 16th Amendment, state by state if we have to.

Repealing the 17th Amendment would be the next natural order of business, re-establishing a Senate that represents States rights again. Passage of the 17th - also in 1913, ended state representation in Washington DC. To regain state representation, state legislatures must reclaim their representative house, the Senate.

The states could then revamp their tax codes to manage their states without federal intrusions and the people will be much better off with local governments solving local challenges.

At the moment, the Fed is operating as a dysfunctional dictatorship running roughshod over the states and the people with the “strong support” of only 33% of the population. How long did 546 career political fools think 300 million Americans were going to sit quietly on their hands and fund this nonsense?

Obama’s Fed is wasting trillions in taxpayer funds that they don’t have, to bailout (buy up) private industry, all to benefit their union buddies and international socialist friends. They are able to get away with it only so long as the American taxpayer is willing to bailout the Fed via punitive taxation.

No! - The time to de-centralize American power and eliminate DC dictatorship over the people has arrived. The people and the states are fed up and there isn’t time to defend this country one ill-conceived bill at a time, being rushed through congress before anyone can even read the bill.

The people don’t have to stand alone against this federal gorilla run wild in DC. They can stand together behind their state legislatures. It’s the constitutional thing to do! It’s the single shot solution to a runaway Fed.

And once the people have control of the government again, we can institute a new federal government that exists and serves at the pleasure of the people and the states once again.

It is the peaceful solution to an otherwise dangerous situation that will only grow more violent as the people are pushed against the wall. The time for serious peaceful action has arrived, before only violent solutions remain!

Contact your state legislatures today and begin to work towards saving this nation while we still can! It’s up to the people to make it happen at the state level. If you want your country back, you will have to take it back. The left will never give it back!

(Reprinted by permission from the Author)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

10 Rules To Govern By

1. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
2. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong
3. You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich.
4. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
5. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.
6. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
7. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
8. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
9. You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
10 You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they will not do for themselves.

-From 'Lincoln on Limitations' by William Boetcker, Presbyterian Minister, 1942

See our sidebar on the right, down below, for more on this theme.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What you sow in the Spring, you reap in the Fall.

Tonight I saw a grown liberal ‘man’ crying. It was California socialist-democrat congressman, Sam Farr. He was literally crying about the lifting of the gun ban in our National Parks and Forests. Another California loon, Barbara Boxer, cried in her beer, lamenting, “It is a shame!”

How did this happen? Thanks to the ingenious tactics of Senators Coburn, Crappo, other blue dog democrats and the NRA. The authors larded the National Park rider into the Credit Card Reform bill.

(The National Park carry provision won't become effective until **9 months** after the President signs the Credit Card bill. That means it will be effective sometime in February of 2010.

Hopefully the judicial order blocking the current National Park regulation that allows carry in National Parks will be overturned soon. That way we can start carrying in National Parks sooner than February. There is a good possibility that such a thing will happen.)

In 1994 the NRA went to political war against members of congress who voted for the then so called ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban. Democrats passed the ban into law in the Spring. By late Fall democrats lost 54 seats in the house as a direct result. Democrats are a lot of things, but they are not stupid.


The liberal, socialist, elite are looking forward to even more loss of innocent life.

In addition to being the party of the slaughter of the unborn and sometimes the recently born, democrats are drooling for another reason, another hope for the additional loss of innocent life.

This time the other reason has to do with gun control. They have legislation, locked, loaded and ready to be shot from their butts, all designed to reinstate the AWB, or to even rescind (de facto) the Second Amendment. Dianne Feinstein said, she is just waiting for 'the right time' to bring forth her bills.

The fact is, when she says, 'the right time', means she is waiting for another mass killing by some lunatic with a firearm. She is hoping it happens and soon. Because if and when her 'right time' does happen, she and the other liberal elite will use the emotions of the moment to influence the weak-minded into agreeing to a bad law gun ban. In addition. you know the Pocket Press has the anti-gun articles ready to go, too.

We have to be ready to meet this challenge head-on.

But for now, the irony is great and gives one pause to smile. B-Ho wants the Credit Card Reform bill, but along with it he has to also sign into law the end of the gun ban in the National Parks. He will hold his nose at that time. It also means he will have a harder time with future gun bans. He has to realize that his credibility for further gun restrictions goes out the window.

Poor B-HO.

What other ways can we can circumvent their unholy, un-American, Communist agenda?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Harden Your Bunker

The extreme shortsightedness of the Oh-bummer voters has put us on an exactly wrong path. Private Free Enterprise and Freedom are what is needed to turn our country away from this precipice. But the dumbed-down population in their stupidity and their what-can-I-get-from-big-government values are marching lockstep, blindly right into it.

As just one person, what can you do?

Start by joining like minded folks and organizations. Write your Representatives and raise a stink about what is wrong. Now is the time, before it is too late. Vote out those who don't represent your values. Examine their voting records. There are links on this Blog that will point you to the information. Your opportunity to vote for right thinking candidates, is coming. Be sure to register to vote and vote.

Also, think about what you need to do to protect yourself and your family from the looming economic and political disaster. Be ready to bring your main skills to bear in non-traditional ways. Be prepared to make use of all your alternate skill sets as well. Stock up on essentials. Store things you can trade. Be ready to barter. Pay off all debt. Harden your bunker. As much as possible, be ready for the fall .

I guess you have already figured, I have NO confidence in our elected officials. I have MINUS ZERO confidence in the current democrat regime. They are only out to consolidate their power and increase their coffers. And as they lead the country down the wrong path, they keep telling the ignorant about hope and change.

The Republicans are not much better. During the Nixon administration we left the Gold Standard. I have always lamented this fundamental change in the strength of our currency. Gold was a bedrock foundation. It's worth is intrinsic! There is no question of it's value, much like our Constitution, declaring our God-given , inalienable rights. The value of each is beyond mere government sanction or government backing.

We must not let them destroy what so many have fought for, and have died to defend.

During the trouble ahead, keep your principles high and your faith close.

Be prepared.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

DHS: Conservatives Are Now The Enemy

Did you see Diane Feinstein on 60 minutes’ Sunday night ? She is itching for a gun ban. She is ‘ready to do it as soon as the time is right’. Americans knew this was coming, why else the lines at the Gun Shows. The rapid fire power grab by the Federal Government in all areas once protected by Constitutional law has thinking Americans happily clinging to their guns and their religion. Why do leftists think we would not react now? For an insight on how the left perceives Conservatism read BHO's Dept.of Homeland Security Report on Right-Wing Extremism.

In their opinion: If you have been storing food and/or weapons, you are an extremist! If you have religion in your life, you are an extremist! Their new tactic is to attack Conservatives and conservative protest, like the Tea Party phenomenon, calling it ‘extremism.’

The tremendous volume of gun and ammo purchases are not being done by extremists, as stated in this report, but by everyday Americans who are afraid of what they see happening to their country. Just check your local Sporting Goods store or a Wal-Mart. The demand for guns and ammo is tremendous. Been to a Gun Show lately? The lines to get in go around the building. Are these Americans extremist? Or are they a People afraid of a runaway federal government that is hell-bent on removing constitutional restraints and guarantees? A government determined on nationalizing the private sector, turning us into a socialist third world nation. We are not the extremists! The extremists are the ones running the federal bureaucracy including BHO and the other socialist-leftist elite.

If you follow what is stated in their report; Is it extremism to be against an even larger government with even greater control? Is it extremism to fight against losing second amendment rights, to fight against the loss of American sovereignty, to fight for freedom of religious expression, to fight for the restoration of the Constitution and the for the achievement of the underlying founding principles of the Declaration of Independence? Is it extremism to fight for the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness? Are Conservatives now the enemy?

Conservatism espouses the ideals the Founding Fathers wanted for this nation, because they were moral, religious, God-fearing men. If that is what it means to be extreme, and I don't think the leftists should be calling the shots on this, if that is what it means, then I will accept their term, but knowing full well, that I am a Patriot who wants freedom and liberty to remain and remain strong, and ingrained in our national soul.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tea Party Turning Tide?

The blogs are all buzzing with the news of the upcoming Tax Day Tea Party show of resistance.  Patriots from across this nation are seeing this as perhaps their first opportunity to make this new Marxist/socialist administration see that we will NOT be intimidated.  This is still the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and we are free citizens of a sovereign republic.  But, what next?

This is only the beginning of what will be a long and protracted conflict of ideologies.  It is up to all of us as Patriots to not sit silently by.  We MUST make opportunities to be heard, and take each and every opportunity to speak out.  Your voice is the voice of FREEDOM and if you don't use it you will certainly lose it!

I had an opportunity yesterday in the local post office.  I was standing in line with my four year old grandson, who knows exactly how I feel about our teleprompter-in-chief.  The postal clerk at the counter asked the customer what type stamps she wanted, and the "useful idiot" answered that she wanted Obama stamps.  My grandson picked up on that hideous conversation and said "Paw-Paw, she said Obama."  I said "yes she did," at which time he shouted, as an excited four year old is apt to do "YOU DON'T LIKE OBAMA!"  I had a choice to make as everyone in the line immediately turned and looked at me, and I said, and proudly I might add, "Nope, I don't like anything about him."  Some in the crowd looked away, or looked at the ground, BUT several looked at me and smiled.  

When I exited the building one woman met me and asked my name.  I told her, and she thanked me for standing up for my convictions.  This gives me some hope.  There are more of us than we might think.  We have simply been the silent majority far too long.  It is time we STOP worrying about who we might offend, or the sensitivities of the evil and/or idiots that support this new regime.  Speak out!  It is your right!  It is your obligation!

Join in on a Tea Party near you.  I believe you will be amazed at what you witness.  You will also be amazed at how the MSM will ignore what you see UNLESS the numbers are so great it can't ignore them.  That part is up to you and me.  BE THERE!!!